Research and Assessments
- Research (in the fields of Environment, Ecology and Sociology)
- Research and Development in Pollution Control Techniques
- Basic Environmental Soundness Assessments
- Environmental Management Plans / Programmes (for Developers, Construction and Manufacturing)
- Site Specific Environmental Management Plan (SSEMP- for Construction Sites)
- Environmental monitoring plan
- HSE plans
- Community development plan
- Waste management plan
- Stakeholder engagement plans
- Environmental emergency preparedness and response plans
- Biodiversity management and action plans
- Plant search, rescue and rehabilitation plans
- Comprehensive conservation plans (CCPs)
- Watershed management plans
- Forestry and forest restoration plans
- Grazing plans
- Special Area management plans (SAMPs)
- Integrated natural resources management plans (INRMPs)
- Resettlement action plan
- Pollution control plan